Have you ever seen the bumper sticker “Ass, Cash, or Grass- Nobody Rides For Free”? Let me just say, if I ever had one of these hot bitches from Hustler in my vehicle, I would be begging them to choose the ass option. Hell, I’d even pay for it.
Tell me you wouldn’t drive these gorgeous sluts anywhere on the planet for a chance to stretch out those tight assholes. I know I am not alone in this sentiment. However, I have yet to be lucky enough to come across hot porn star hitch hikers, so instead I just took advantage of the opportunity to grab a 63% off discount pass to Anal Hookers, and see these naughty nymphos fucked in their tight assholes in exclusive HD videos that get me off just the same!
Not only do I get thousands of videos, but I get full network access to every hot genre that they offer, and they even throw in live shows and chats with the hottest pornstars on the planet. Who knows, one of these days maybe one of them will ask me for a ride. Hey, a guy can dream.